Parasite Protocol

The Parasite Protocol*

(for elimination of unwanted hosts)

In over 30 years of clinical practice I have seen, tested, or researched almost every conceivable parasitic infection and treatment regime. Some work, while others do nothing. Most programs are not effective at totally eliminating the problem due to:

A) Poor quality anti-parasitic products.

B)Lack of addressing resistant hiding areas in the body (gallbladder, spleen, brain).

C) Insufficient length of treatment

D) Failure to address an ongoing source of infection or transmission.

My anti-parasitic protocol addresses all 4 key components, and can also be performed safely once a year to maintain a parasite-free body. It consists of the following:

1) **Mimosa Pudica Seed + capsules. Dosage varies from 2 to 3 caps, 3x/day, but usual is 3 caps, 3x/day.  If needed, start low then ramp up. Best taken on an empty stomach (20-30 mins before or 2 hours after food), or simply take after meals if you have sensitive digestion. Dose: 10 days on, then 5 days off, then 10 days on again, and repeat for 60 days. This typcally eliminates both cyst and fully mature lifecycles of the organisims.

**Is the pharmacy out of stock? Try ONE of the following two products to replace Mimosa Pudica Seed+ caps: Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex extract at 60 drops, 3x a day in any liquid, or Microdefense w/Oregano caps. Take the same dose as listed for Mimosa Pudica Seed + caps. Whichever product you choose, take for 60 days on same cycle as described above. There is no preference unless you prefer liquid, in which case the Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex is the best choice.

2) Clear the Liver & Gallbladder. Be sure to take Liver Support II w/picrorhiza caps at 2 caps, twice daily during the cleanse. ation. If the pharmacy is out of stock, replace it with LVR Formula caps. All fats and oils can make it harder to clear parasites. Eat a very low oil and fat diet while cleansing, which also helps with blood oxygen

3) While on the protocol avoid sushi, lightly cooked meats, all beef, lamb, and pork; sugar, fried and greasy food; eating extra 4-5 fresh figs daily also helps, and 1 clove of raw garlic (only if you tolerate it); don’t kiss your pets or let them on your bed; wash all underwear and sheets in OxiClean® detergent; disinfect toothbrushes in hydrogen peroxide; take a digestive enzymes **Digestive Enzymes Ultra, at 2 capsules with meals . Make sure to have at least 1-2 good bowel movements daily and drink 6-8 glasses of water!

4) IMPORTANT: Use **GI Detox+ caps to bind pathogen waste and prevent recirculation into the blood. Take 2 caps, 30+ minutes before or 2+ hours after dinner, away from any medicine or supplements. If you get constipated, take any herbal laxative! Got detox symptoms? (headache, rash, nausea, fatigue), stop everything for 2 ddays and start again at 1/2 dose. Ramp back up again if able, or remain at the dose that works for you. Note: Most experienced clinicians feel (including myself), a diet lower in fats and oils, even healthy ones, is helpful when combined with the listed products.  

**MicroDefense w/Oregano caps, Green Black Walnut Wormwood Complex, Mimosa Pudica Seed caps, Liver Support II w/picrorhiza caps, LVR caps, Digestive Enzymes Ultra, and GI Detox+ are available on our web Virtual Pharmacy (Fullscript) at a 20% discount First time visiting the online pharmacy? To sign up, simply click on the 'Go Now' Virtual Pharmacy link on the website's main page. After approval, search for any future product by company name or product name.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration, and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.

Note: if you see blood in stool or worsening of symptoms, see an MD. Consider a comprehensive digestion and microbial stool analysis (see

Good Health!

Dr. Greg