All of us are unique, so we may not all respond to the same methods of care.

All of us are unique, so we may not all respond to the same methods of care.


Happiness is a shadow of harmony; it follows harmony. There is no other way to be happiness..


Chiropractic Update

As of September 2024, Dr. Barsten no longer performs chiropractic care, including joint manipulation, soft tissue work, traction, and prescribed exercises. Chiropractic treatments are now administered by his trusted colleague, Dr. Noah Djuric, who has worked with Dr. Barsten for years. Any inquiries and appointments can be made through contacting Dr. Djuric at: (408) 462-7555 or email at, or his website at

Dr. Barsten continues his Functional Medicine and Nutrition consulting practice, which is performed via zoom or phone. For more information on scheduling an appointment, click on 'Schedule an Appointment' on the main page.

My doctor says chiropractors aren’t real doctors.

False. Chiropractors are primary care doctors with extensive training in both basic and clinical sciences, and are licensed in all 50 states and many countries throughout the world. The training emphasizes diagnosis and therapy to the neuromuscular and skeletal system. Additionally, chiropractors complete a 1 year internship. Medicine training requires a 3+ year residency. 

Anatomy 508 520
Physiology 326 420
Pathology 335 271
Chemistry 325 300
Bacteriology 130 114
Diagnosis 374 370
Neurology 112 320
X-Ray 148 217
Psychiatry 144 65
OB/GYN 195 65
Orthopedics 156 225
Total Hours 2,756 2,887
Grand Total Class Hours (Including basic subjects) 4,248 4,485
Save Your Life

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a stealth-like process that can strike you, your friends, your family…anyone. It remains the #1 killer in the world, so there’s much to learn about prevention and science-based natural, non-toxic, effective support measures

Schedule an Appointment

Call today to set up an appointment start on your path to better health, naturally. (408) 358-2225

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