Advanced information for health and vitality

Advanced information for health and vitality


It is the body, not medicine, that is the hero.

Ronald J. Glasser, M.D.

The following articles and tools outline some of the most important concepts in proactive health. Many of the frequently asked questions by people who are interested in taking control of their health naturally are addressed by Dr. Barsten

Issue 5, March / April 2012

  • Radiation Therapy
  • The Cardio Cocktail
  • Our Unique Needs

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Issue 4, January / February 2012

  • The Real Thyroid Story
  • Healthy Fast Food at Home
  • Monthly Special!
  • Nutrition Supplement Safety?

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Issue 3, September / October 2012

  • Cholesterol Drugs and Increased Cancer
  • Natural Diarrhea Remedy with Berries
  • Foods For Detox!
  • Laser and Light Therapy Specials

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Issue 2, Winter/Spring 2011

  • A Great Cough, Cold and Chest Remedy
  • Healing Light Technology
  • Tasty & Easy Veggie Soup For Meals

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Issue 1, Summer 2010

  • Vitamin D: Cancer’s Worst Enemy
  • Detoxification: Which Plan is Right for You?
  • Top 10 Cancer Fighters
  • The Perfect Meal?

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These are archived newsletters. Current versions, published every 3-4 months, are sent to those who send us a current email address. Just note that you would like to receive my current newsletter. You can unsubscribe at any time.

Save Your Life

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a stealth-like process that can strike you, your friends, your family…anyone. It remains the #1 killer in the world, so there’s much to learn about prevention and science-based natural, non-toxic, effective support measures

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Call today to set up an appointment start on your path to better health, naturally. (408) 358-2225

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