Anti-Viral & Support Protocols*


The following diet, nutrition, and lifestyle measures have been clinically shown to dramatically reduce viral load, speed healing, and improve health when followed long-term. The information is derived largely from Anthony William, the best-selling author of Medical Medium, as well as my 35+ years of clinical experience, along with thousands of lab tests. Most people harbor various viruses and don’t know it. Some are silent and pose no threat,while others are a root of many chronic conditions, including autoimmunity, cardiovascular problems, and cancer. A medical database search such as PubMed, ScienceDirect, or Googlescholar verifies this with hundreds of published, peer-reviewed studies. Reasons why this critical information is not widely shared might include: corporate interest conflict, and no effective medical and pharmaceutical options. But there are amazing natural and effective support strategies that are free of side effects, that you can start now.

By choosing the right foods to eat, which ones to avoid, and taking advantage of immune-boosting, anti-viral ingredients found in Mother Nature’s pharmacy, many people find their health restored. Ideally, this is a lifestyle change. This not a ‘quick fix’, but a deep, long-term restoration plan that nourishes, cleanses, and regenerates. If there are limitations such as food allergies, taste, meal planning and preparation, or finances, just do the best you can. For serious health concerns, or the motivated patient, the more you’re able to do, and the longer you do it, the healthier you can become. If your goal is only prevention, you might choose less. This program is healthy for everyone, and it’s safe. If you're pregnant, nursing, or taking a prescription medicine, talk to your doctor first. Remember, it’s OK to take occasional breaks, and you don’t have to do every recommendation in each category, but choose the most you can do long-term for best success.


Eggs, all dairy products, gluten containing foods, canola oil, conventional corn, any GMO food, flour products, high-fructose corn syrup, sugar, refined fructose, high-protein or high-fat diets (paleo, ketogenic, Atkins).

Eggs and dairy specifically feed viruses. Refined sweets and flours feed cancer cells and rob nutrients. Gluten promotes inflammation. Be a label reader. Many people don’t realize that eggs are often in bread, mayonnaise, salad dressings, and much more. Same with dairy, canola, corn, etc. The point is, the less of it you eat, the less you feed your pathogens. High protein diets don’t digest well and create denatured proteins in the gut, and high fat diets reduce oxygen delivery to cells. This does not mean to avoid all fat and protein. Avocado, raw nuts and seeds, coconut oil, olives and olive oil are healthy fats. Just eat less of them. Same thing with protein. Focus on plant sources of protein (see next category) and less animal protein, which are acidifying and contain excessive naturally-produced hormones. This is true even with ‘free range', 'pastured', organic eggs and dairy. Ideally eat none, or very little. For herpes viruses, avoid chocolate and peanuts/peanut butter (high arginine level). For acute viruses, short-term fasting can be a wonderful tool. For more details, an appointment with Dr. Barsten is suggested.

*This information has not been evaluated by the FDA, and is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.


Eat organic whenever possible. Berries of all types - especially WILD frozen blueberries, apples, banana, melons, mango, papaya, oranges, lemons, limes, nectarines, tangerines, kiwi, red grapes, figs, dates, raisins, asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, coconuts & coconut oil, cucumber, all green leafy veggies (especially spinach, kale, romaine, butter lettuce, chard, arugula, dandelion, macha, bok choy), microgreens (radish, mustard, kale), bell pepper, celery, cilantro, Atlantic dulse(seaweed), fresh garlic, mushrooms(especially shitake and maitake), purple potato, sweet potato, yam, sprouts (especially broccoli and pea shoots), tomato. NOTE: quinoa, millet, black beans, wild rice, steel cut oats, and black rice are good starches, with decent protein, even though not anti-viral. These provide nice options if some of your favorite foods are now off the menu. Best if these are soaked at least 8 hours or cooked in a pressure cooker like InstaPot. If you eat animal protein, consider wild Alaskan salmon (fresh, frozen, or canned), free-range organic turkey, sardines, sole, or Icelandic cod. If you are looking for more general dietary information, read my web article Food For A Healthy Life.


Juicing is a wonderful option. Celery, cucumber, apple, and cilantro (or parsley) is a great base. Adding some ginger, spinach, or cabbage makes it even more powerful. If extra greens create bitterness, add ½ fresh lime! Get creative. Aim for 16oz or more each day, if you’re able. Drink it fresh if possible. If you don’t have a juicer, a Vitamix or Nutribullet is fine, but add water or coconut water as it’s thicker. Although still healthy, a much less desired option is buying ready-made green juices at a health food store, which are mostly high-pressure pasteurized (HPP). It may say 'fresh' or 'raw', but they are not, as evidenced by their very long shelf life. True fresh-squeezed RAW juices last only a few days at most.


Fresh thyme, rosemary, sage, and oregano are best. Also mint and basil. These can be taken right off the plant, or purchased in the store in small plastic containers. Once harvested, most will last a week or more stored in the refrigerator, except basil. Use in salads, soups, stir fry, veggie juices, or baked dishes. Mint is great over fruit. Cardamom, coriander, cumin, clove, and fennel are wonderful, especially if you have digestive concerns. Turmeric and ginger are two major spices, and can be used either in powder form or fresh grated into foods or smoothies. Just find ways to get this stuff into the diet.


Lemon balm, nettle, elderflower, licorice, rose hips, yarrow, mullein, and fresh thyme (use 6-8 sprigs of fresh thyme in a large mug, pour 1-2 cups hot water over and steep for 10-15 minutes). Find either in singular form or in any combination, in bags or loose. The more the better. A great addition is a teaspoon of raw manuka honey! Look for Manuka with a high biocative number, such as 250 or higher.


Zinc caps in citrate or picolinate forms (Pure Encapsulations brand), or the more fast-acting liquid sulfate, either as Aqueous Zinc by Biotics Research or Zinc Liquid Drops by Mercola; vitamin C (as Ester-C & Flavonoids by Pure Encapsulations or Liposomal Vitamin C by Quicksilver Scientific), L-lysine caps (Pure Encapsulations), Cats Claw Elite (Quicksilver Scientific); vitamin D (with A and K2 such as ADK capsor liquid by DaVinci Labs), Viracon caps (by Vital Nutrients), Mushroom Master Blend powder (coriolus, cordyceps, maitake, chaga, reishi, shitake, turkey tail, lion's mane) by OM Botanicals, Immune Activator caps (by Gaia Pro - powerful support!); or Argentyn-23 Silver. Manuka honey is a huge immune boost and anti-infective. Look for a high bioactive number on the bottle of 400 or more. Essential oils of lemon, tea tree, lavender, myrrh, thyme, peppermint, and oregano used in a diffuser, a bath, dropped onto a warm shower floor, or rubbed into the soles of the feet. A few drops of one or more. If using on the skin, mix with ½ -1 tsp. of a ‘carrier oil’ like jojoba, grapeseed, or coconut. NOTE: doses are not provided. Everyone responds differently. It’s best to start low then ramp up if needed. A powerful, non-pill immune supplement is Immune Charge Shots by Quicksilver Scientific. This can replace vitamin C, A, D, and K in acute cases. Take as directed on bottles. For chronic cases, a very effective and popular product among patients is MegaViron, by Microbiome Labs. Take as directed on bottle.

NOTE: The underlined products above are most effective during acute/recent cases, although they are quite effective in chronic cases too. Many patients prefer (and require) a customized product protocol. This can be different for everyone, depending on a variety of factors, so it's best to schedule a phone or zoom appointment with Dr. Barsten to cover this if needed.

All products are available on the website Virtual Pharmacy.  See our ‘Recommended Virtual Pharmacy Products and Ordering’ article for more info and hints, located under our Learning Center. All prices are 20% off.


Powerful immune support options include: LightMD® therapy (see or other forms of healing red and infrared light (details of various brands and systems are discussed during a consultation); Sauna therapy (see my web article 'Sauna Therapy' for details) is possibly the single best therapy option available. Prudent amounts of direct sunlight exposure when possible; Ozone therapy is also powerful option for home use. Leqarn more by watching my website's ozone video.

*These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or condition.